Tickle Lipo Minimally Invasive Body Sculpting

Before and after tickle lipo

Tickle Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that removes fat and sculpts areas of your body. The technique is the latest fat removal and body sculpting procedure to be approved by the FDA.

The name comes from the tickling sensation that patients say they experience during surgery. Developed in Europe and internationally known as Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture (NIL), tickle lipo can be performed in just 1-2 hours.

  • Tickle lipo is conducted in an operating room in a sterile environment
  • Tickle lipo can be performed under local anesthesia  if a small area is being treated  but may require IV sedation  or general anesthesia when multiple areas are being addressed.
  • Tickle lipo can Remove fat, while leaving surrounding tissue undisturbed, resulting in a smoother contour and more rapid recovery.

The Tickle Lipo procedure allows for high volume de-bulking in all body areas.

Our Cosmetic Surgeons

Dr. Jacob Haiavy and Dr. Emma Ryan are passionate about cosmetic surgery. As diplomates of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, they have the expertise to personalize every aspect of your procedure and deliver safe, beautifully natural results.

Inland Cosmetic Surgery Drs. Jacob Haiavy and Emma Ryan, American Board of Cosmetic Surgery

The Tickle Lipo Difference

Tickle Lipo differs from traditional liposuction in many ways. No matter what method of anesthesia is used, a local anesthesia is delivered via the cannula that is used to remove fat cells. Patients experience little or no discomfort. In fact, just a tickling sensation is usually reported. In addition to faster recovery times, the results of tickle lipo are immediately visible.

The tickle lipo cannula

How it Works

  1. Prior to the procedure, you and Dr. Haiavy will discuss the areas to be treated, as well as your suitability for the procedure.
  2. Numbing tumescent fluid is infused through tiny incisions using a tickle lipo cannula. Once numb, Dr. Haiavy will use a tickle lipo vibrating suction cannula to remove the targeted fat.
  3. This innovative technology does not generate heat and has a safety feature that shuts off the system if non-fatty tissue is encountered. This ensures surrounding tissue remains undamaged and healthy, resulting in less bruising and an easier recovery.
  4. The vibration and movement of the cannula acts as a pain blocker. The movement of the cannula allows it to glide through fatty tissue while delivering anesthetic. The cannula is also able to maneuver through fibrous tissue or tougher areas for greater control over body sculpting, resulting in smoother lines, less bruising, and shorter recovery times.
Before and after liposuction

Patient Advantages

The advantages of Tickle Lipo are numerous. The procedure allows for fat removal in areas that do not always respond adequately to diet and exercise. Tickle lipo can provide lift by removing sagging fat that occurs with age. The procedure is easy, convenient, and affordable. It provides a safe reduction of fat cells with minimal discomfort.

Tickle Lipo FAQ

Why is it called Tickle Lipo? Does it really tickle?

Although the procedure’s clinical name is Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture, patients have reported a tickling sensation as they undergo liposuction.

How is Tickle Lipo different from regular liposuction?

Unlike traditional liposuction, Tickle Lipo can be performed with a local anesthetic, which is delivered with the same cannula that Dr. Haiavy uses to remove fat. With its unique circular and vibrating motion, the cannula helps provide superior fat removal and body sculpting, with easier and faster recovery times.

Will fat come back in areas where Tickle Lipo has been performed?

Fat cells are removed during Tickle Lipo. For best results, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle after liposuction.

How will I feel once the numbing solution wears off after I have Tickle Lipo?

Patients report easy recoveries following Tickle Lipo. Results are visible immediately and you don’t have to wait for the effects of anesthesia to wear off since general anesthesia isn’t used.

How soon can I return to my normal routine after Tickle Lipo?

After Tickle Lipo, you should be able to return to your normal routine within a couple of days. Follow Dr. Haiavy’s post-operative instructions closely during your recovery.

Before and after VASER and tickle lipo

Learn More About Tickle Lipo in Rancho Cucamonga

To learn more about Tickle Lipo in the Inland Empire, call us at 909-987-0899 to schedule a consultation. Our state-of-the-art surgery center is located in Rancho Cucamonga, in the heart of the Inland Empire and convenient to Upland, Ontario, Fontana, Montclair, Claremont, and Riverside, California. We also see cosmetic surgery patients at our satellite office located in Victorville, convenient to Apple Valley and Hesperia.

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