A recent episode of The Doctors featured “Ask Our Doctors: Celebrity Edition,” and actor Blair Underwood inquired if there is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can give a man six-pack abs.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon explained that VASER liposuction is a possible solution. “He’s not alone, and we do have a surgical solution. Liposuction has come such a long way. There’s a new technique called VASER, or as I call it, super-charged lipo.”

VASER liposuction not only sucks out the fat, but it first melts fat cells, which allows the doctor to remove more fat cells evenly, with less discomfort and less bleeding. When the fat cells are removed, the skin has a natural ability to shrink down.

Ordon goes on to explain that for the six-pack procedure, the surgeon can use the VASER instrument to perform a technique called etching, in which the six-pack lines can be etched out.

VASER liposuction is offered at Inland Cosmetic Surgery of Rancho Cucamonga and compared to traditional liposuction, it usually has a reduced recovery time. VASER can be used on many areas of the body, including the abdomen, arms, back, hips, knees, love handles, neck and chin, saddlebags and thighs.

Learn more about the differences between traditional liposuction and VASER liposuction.

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