The benefits of fighting wrinkles with Botox may not be greatly diminished by decreasing the frequency of treatment, according to a study by the Oregon Health & Science University’s Casey Eye Institute that looked at how often to get Botox.
When looking at a group of 50 women, aged 30 to 50 who were being treated for glabellar lines, the study found a decrease in treatments did not yield a decrease in results. The study discovered that after a patient has undergone regular Botox treatments every four months for two years, the frequency can be lowered. The frequency of how often to get Botox may not dramatically effect its effectiveness.
In fact, the study found that patients who had completed the initial two-year treatment and then received Botox injections only every six months achieved similar results. This is when compared to those who continued receiving Botox treatments every three months.
Though Allergan, the maker of Botox, may still recommend continued treatment every three months, those looking for a cost-effective alternative could reduce the number of yearly treatments.
As an added benefit, the study found that the patients in the age group also experienced a reduction in the formation of wrinkles when Botox use was continued past two years.