Category: All About Skin

The 6 Med Spa Treatments You Need That Aren’t Botox

So you have wrinkles sneaking in. Botox (or Dysport) should do the trick, right? Well, not necessarily—especially if you want more complete, radiant results! That’s because wrinkling is multifaceted: it’s not just muscle contractions that age your appearance. Collagen loss, sun damage, scarring, and slow cell turnover are other common culprits. Botox-type injectables are highly […]

What is Acne Dysmorphia?

Acne is the most common skin condition by far—an estimated 40 to 50 million Americans experience acne at some point in their life. If you or someone you know has suffered from severe acne, you know first-hand the impact it can have on your appearance and self-confidence. While there are plenty of treatments focusing on […]

Are Your Hair Follicles to Blame for Breakouts?

Pimples, boils, blemishes, zits—there are plenty of words describing the annoying spots that affect most of us at one point or another. Would adolescence be the same without the dreaded outbreak? The next generation could be the first to find out… A recent study took a look at what really causes acne and possible ways […]

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