Category: Cosmetic Medicine

How to Choose the Perfect Implant Size

During your private consultation you will be sized to find the perfect implant that fits your body One of the most important decisions a woman has to make is what size implant fits her body the best. Most women that are interested in breast augmentation have been thinking about it for months, if not years. […]

How to Choose a Surgeon – Rancho Cucamonga, California

One of the most important decisions when considering cosmetic surgery is choosing the right doctor to perform your procedure. When considering cosmetic surgery, patients are almost universally unaware of the difference between “cosmetic surgery” and “plastic surgery.” For this reason, they may easily be misled to believe board certification in plastic surgery evidences a physician’s […]

Fat Transfer Cosmetic Procedures

People have always tried to improve their appearance since the beginning of civilization. Disfigurement of the skin has been particularly distressful for many. With the advent of new fillers there are excellent procedures available to correct such skin defects such as deep furrows and wrinkles on the face. Depressions on other areas of the body […]

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