Category: Cosmetic Medicine

Extra Insurance For Breast Implant Rupture

Warranties on silicone breast implants have been upgraded this year. Until December 31st, the manufacturers will be offering up to $3500 for surgery reimbursement.  In the event of an implant rupture – even ten years after your surgery – the manufacturer will cover costs like anesthesia, facility, and surgery. Before this year, the standard warranty […]

Surgeon Advises Against “Botox-Breast Lift”

Local 12 news in Ohio recently aired this story to answer the question “What is a Botox Breast lift?” Reporters explain that while the breast lift has documented results, and Botox is considered practical and effective, the so-called Botox Breast Lift is not a cost effective cosmetic treatment people should pursue. The most common theory […]

Fox News: “What is a Mommy-Makeover?”

If you’re interested in the mommy makeover procedures we perform here in Rancho Cucamonga, you may want to view the video below from Fox News Charlotte. The “mommy makeover” is a series of cosmetic surgeries intended to help women regain their pre-baby body. The most common treatments included in the package are the breast lift, […]

British Journalists Sound Off on Surgery

Online readers about cosmetic surgery are probably all too familiar with the “age gracefully” versus “freedom to enhance” type arguments.  The UK Observer just published an editorial that sums up each position fairly well.  British journalist Alice Hart-Davis and Grazia beauty director Annabel Jones offer contrasting opinions in response to the question “Can cosmetic surgery […]

What is Transumbilical Breast Augmentation?

What surgeons refer to as TUBA, and the layperson might call “belly button breast augmentation,” is an effective method for breast implant placement.  In the right patients, this method can produce aesthetically pleasing results with scars that are literally invisible. To describe the TUBA procedure briefly, the surgeon makes an incision in the navel, creates […]

Media Buzzing About the Liquid Facelift

The liquid facelift is basically soft tissue augmentation with injectable fillers, but the goal is to achieve results that are similar to surgery.  Yet the results are said to be “typically more subtle than surgery.”  This topic is getting lots of media attention: Harper’s Bazaar is the latest to pick it up and interview some […]

Job Seeking? Cosmetic Touch Ups Can’t Hurt

While people sound plenty optimistic about the economy this week, competition in the job market is still pretty fierce.  At our Rancho Cucamonga location, we’ve had more than one patient say they suspect that age, or their appearance has affected their job prospects to some extent. When you’re in competition with young adults fresh out […]

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