Category: Cosmetic Medicine

How to Maintain Your Liposuction Results

While liposuction is often portrayed in the media as a glorified weight-loss solution, the reality is far from the myth – maintaining the results of liposuction after surgery is an important commitment that can’t be taken lightly. One woman’s liposuction journey, including some valuable advice about the importance of ongoing exercise, was recently profiled on […]

10 Bariatric Surgery Tips From the RealSelf Community

Weight loss is a long and difficult journey, but with the Internet, it doesn’t have to be a lonely one. The cosmetic surgery website has a solid community of users who support each other through their struggles, including bariatric surgery and subsequent cosmetic procedures. A recent post on the website highlighted 10 tips from […]

What Causes Gynecomastia?

There was a time when men in cosmetic surgeons’ offices were rare specimens. But there is a cultural shift happening in America today. In recent years, more cosmetic surgeons have been reported higher rates of male patients. As a result of this shift, there has been greater awareness around men’s issues, especially gynecomastia. This is […]

Cosmetic Voice Enhancement? It Happens, But Many Surgeons Don’t Like It

For the past hundred years, plastic surgery has been largely concerned with changing people’s appearances. But what about changing their voices? According to a recent post on RealSelf, injectable procedures that can enhance vocal performances are becoming more popular – although many doctors consider these procedures to be too risky. Like everything else, the voice […]

Breast Implants and Cancer Screening

It’s one of the most common questions that I hear from my patients: how will my breast implants impact cancer screening? Many of my breast augmentation patients have friends or family members who have suffered with breast cancer. Some have even fought the disease themselves. Although breast implants can make mammogram images more difficult to […]

5 More Non-Cosmetic Uses for Botox

Last month, I wrote about the role of Botox in the physical rehabilitation of a British girl who suffered a stroke at the age of 15. But what are some of the other non-cosmetic uses for Botox? A quick refresher: Botox Cosmetic is a popular nonsurgical alternative to facelift. Like Dysport, Botox is made from […]

Implants vs. Fat Grafting for Butt Augmentation

Over the past several years, shapely curves have supplanted stick figures in our popular conception of beauty. Butt augmentation is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic procedures in the United States, with fat grafting and implants being the most widespread methods. But which type of surgery provides the best results? Based on a study in the […]

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